Business Stationery Ensemble

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A business stationery ensemble consists of business cards, letterhead, matching envelopes and informal correspondence such as note cards, monarch-size sheets or fold-over notes. All business correspondence should be coordinated to insure that you present a consistent brand image to the public. For instance, if your firm’s colors are “navy and grey” then these colors should be consistently represented in all of your business correspondence. Font styles and design layouts should also be consistent to create uniformity and help promote your brand or firm image.

Your stationery should reflect the nature of your business. Legal firms or wealth management advisors should probably adopt a more conservative design for their business stationery. Firms in artistically creative fields may wish to “push the envelope” to create a more impactful and differentiating “buzz” for their products and services. Whatever your choice, a balanced and consistent design on high quality paper stock should be your primary objective in creating your business stationery.

While your letterhead and business cards represent the official face of your firm, hand-written informal correspondence is perhaps your most important resource to cement business relationships and improve internal communications. For more suggestions on selecting your business stationery, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions.

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