
The StationersGuild.org is an organization of independent stationers in the United States who operate through a legitimate storefront. Membership in the Guild is by invitation only and is extended only to those stationers who meet certain minimum qualifications deemed necessary to serve the public effectively and responsibly. Member dealers represent many of the leading quality paper manufacturers as well as smaller firms whose cutting-edge designs and beautiful craftsmanship are trend-setters for the industry.

The StationersGuild.org website went live in September 2008 with the objective of providing the public with current and relevant information on fine paperss and the stores that sell them. Guild members share the belief that some things are best done in person, and buying fine stationery and custom invitations is certainly one of them. Paper is tactile and screen resolutions simply don’t capture the texture and color of fine papers and the creative designs of these artisans. Member dealers have the benefit of working with many companies whose products are simply not available over the internet. Member dealers are highly experienced and provide a level of service quality that is evidenced by their longevity and reputation within the industry. The Guild website is simply a way to help the online buyer locate a qualified member store in their neighborhood.

The Guild website is funded by annual dues paid by its members and the generous support provided by paper companies, large and small, who support their dealers by advertising on the Guild website. The craftsmanship that goes into making fine papers is worth preserving. Marshall McLuhan’s prophetic words “the medium is the message” is as important today as it was over forty years ago. The etiquette and civility expressed through a hand-written note continues to be an important part of our culture and interpersonal relations.