
Personalized stationery continues to be one of the most elegant and distinctive forms of communication. Whether you are looking for personal correspondence cards or business letterhead, a Guild member store in your neighborhood can help you sort through the many paper options and printing processes to help stamp your personality on your custom-made stationery.

Experienced stationers do not generally sell fine stationery or custom invitations on the internet. Selecting fine stationery is a tactile experience and image resolutions on the internet are of such low quality that it is difficult to experience, let alone appreciate, the craftsmanship that goes into making fine paperss. With the mass commercialization of paper products, it has become increasingly difficult to find qualified storefront stationers who understand the product and can help you sort through the many options available to create your own custom stationery. The Stationers Guild was established to help discerning buyers locate highly experienced stationers in their neighborhood to assist them in crafting their personalized stationery.

The paper choices available today are unsurpassed in both quantity and quality. Cotton or “rag” paper and papers made from wood fiber continue dominate the industry because of their unusually high quality. Nevertheless, recycled paper and alternative papers made from crops such as bamboo are beginning to emerge for those seeking “green” alternatives. Paper weights and textures vary significantly and identical ink colors often appear distorted depending on the printing process. Member stores generally encourage their clients to personally sort through various paper samples and experiment with color grids and font or monogram styles before deciding on their personalized or business stationery.